Feedback from those attending:

“I have been on what I believe to be a life-changing day at Unique by Design which included an awesome encounter with God as he showed me how he sees me and how he values me and loves me/Designed for a purpose.”
“An opportunity to align myself and my thinking to come into agreement with God as to who he created me to be!”
“Although I was apprehensive, I found this to be a safe place where I could be me and benefit from growing in my identity.”
“An exhilarating deep-dive into your unique personal identity, in the safety of Father’s love. Plus valuable practical outworking to use once you have fully surfaced!!”
“Thank you so much for the Unique by Design seminar on Monday. Absolutely extraordinary, God is in the marketplace and he is using pioneers and visionaries like you to kickstart a supernatural revolution in the marketplace. I’m so blessed to be a part of it.”
“It’s a time of refreshment, fun and encouragement.”